Only dozen Indians remain at the tech company Twitter Inc., which Elon Musk recently acquired. Twitter Inc. dismissed more than 90% of its employees in India over the weekend. The company’s engineering and product workforce would be drastically reduced as part of Elon Musk’s anticipated global reductions, which would decrease a potential growing market. Due to the sensitive nature of the situation, persons familiar with the situation who asked to remain anonymous stated that the company had just over 200 employees in India before the cuts.

Twitter Fired 90% Indian Employees

The development and expansion of international internet businesses like Twitter, Meta Platforms Inc., and Google, a division of Alphabet Inc., which are dependent on India’s sizable potential pool of new online users, are significantly aided by the work of Indian engineers. However, the businesses must also comply with ever-stricter content laws designed to restrain the nation’s major tech companies. According to one of the persons, the product and engineering team in India, which operated on a worldwide mandate, accounted for almost 70% of the jobs that were eliminated. According to the persons, positions were also eliminated in departments including marketing, public policy, and corporate communications. Twitter, situated in San Francisco, California, cut over 3,700 jobs from its workforce globally. However, the businesses must deal with “increasingly severe content laws intended to rein in giant digital enterprises in the country,” though.

Twitter’s new administration.

According to one of the persons who spoke with Bloomberg, almost 70% of the jobs lost in India came from the engineering and product teams that worked on a worldwide mandate, which clearly highlighted a pitiful strategy from Twitter’s new administration.

Positions were also eliminated in departments like marketing, public policy, and corporate communications, according to the sources. Twitter, situated in San Francisco, California, cut over 3,700 jobs from its global workforce.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi followers

On Twitter, several contending parties in India have some of the most “febrile political debates,” with accusations and denials taking around the social media site like wildfire. Over 84 million people follow Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the platform.

With its newly reduced headcount in the nation, which includes more than 100 languages, “it is unclear how Twitter expects to manage that dialogue,” the article added, noting that there are still roughly 3,700 workers employed by the firm worldwide.

Musk is pressuring the remaining team members to produce new features rapidly, and in some cases, workers have stayed late at work to meet deadlines. The offices of Twitter in India are situated in New Delhi, Bengaluru in the south, and Mumbai, which serves as the country’s financial centre.

There are currently 3,700 workers for the company worldwide. Musk is pressuring the remaining team members to produce new features rapidly, and in some cases, workers have stayed late at work to meet deadlines.

None of the called-back employees were Indian, despite the fact that Twitter did invite some of the sacked employees to return. Five employees were welcomed back, according to a source familiar with the situation who spoke on the condition of anonymity to safeguard the identity of others. “These people are crucial for Twitter’s ecosystem to function,” the source said. Goons realised right away and are calling them back.

Read More :

Twitter is continuously working on paid DMs to celebrities.

Twitter will charge $8/month for blue tick: Elon Musk says

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Ethan Carter
Hailing from Seattle, Ethan Carter is a tech guru with a passion for software development and coding. His articles provide insights into the world of programming, AI, and emerging technologies.

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